水行俠 失落王國 Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom [2023]


在《水行俠 失落王國》中,先前未能打敗水行俠的黑蝠鱝依然矢志為死去的父親報仇,他將不計代價只求徹底擊敗水行俠;而這次黑蝠鱝掌握能釋放古老邪惡力量的遠古神器黑色三叉戟,變得比以往更加強大。為了對抗黑蝠鱝,水行俠必須向前亞特蘭提斯之王,如今被囚禁的弟弟歐姆求助,兩人成為意想不到的盟友;兄弟倆必須克服己見,以保衛王國、拯救水行俠的家人和全世界免於毀滅。

Having failed to defeat Aquaman the first time, Black Manta, still driven by the need to avenge his father’s death, will stop at nothing to take Aquaman down once and for all. This time Black Manta is more formidable than ever before, wielding the power of the mythic Black Trident, which unleashes an ancient and malevolent force. To defeat him, Aquaman will turn to his imprisoned brother Orm, the former King of Atlantis, to forge an unlikely alliance. Together, they must set aside their differences in order to protect their kingdom and save Aquaman’s family, and the world, from irreversible destruction.


分類: Movie。這篇內容的永久連結