每月彙整: 2021 年 12 月

雞尾酒 Cocktail

Intent on becoming a successful business … 閱讀全文

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藍色珊瑚礁 The Blue Lagoon

On a journey to San Francisco, Richard, … 閱讀全文

分類: Movie | 在〈藍色珊瑚礁 The Blue Lagoon〉中留言功能已關閉

異變 Leviathan

Underwater deep-sea miners encounter a S … 閱讀全文

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眼鏡蛇 Cobra

As crime runs rampant in the United Stat … 閱讀全文

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我唾棄你的墳墓 I Spit on Your Grave

Oozing with confidence and the air of a … 閱讀全文

分類: Movie | 在〈我唾棄你的墳墓 I Spit on Your Grave〉中留言功能已關閉

兇煞魚怪 Humanoids from the Deep

Scientific experiments backfire and prod … 閱讀全文

分類: Movie | 在〈兇煞魚怪 Humanoids from the Deep〉中留言功能已關閉

半熟米飯 Blame It on Rio

Matthew is married to Karen, and father … 閱讀全文

分類: Movie | 在〈半熟米飯 Blame It on Rio〉中留言功能已關閉

德州電鋸殺人狂2 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Radio DJ Vanita ‘Stretch’ Br … 閱讀全文

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半夜鬼上床4:幽冥鬼手 Nightmare on Elm Street 4:The Dream Master

Following up the previous Nightmare film … 閱讀全文

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半夜鬼上床2:夜半鬼抱我 A Nightmare on Elm Street 2:Freddy’s Revenge

A new family moves into the house on Elm … 閱讀全文

分類: Movie | 在〈半夜鬼上床2:夜半鬼抱我 A Nightmare on Elm Street 2:Freddy’s Revenge〉中留言功能已關閉