柏林夜總會:納粹眼中釘 Eldorado:Everything the Nazis Hate [2023]


這部紀錄片對希特勒掌權時期失去的自由進行了探討,講述 20 世紀 20 年代柏林一家光鮮亮麗的夜總會如何成為了酷兒群體的避風港。

In Berlin of the late Golden Twenties, the Eldorado is legendary a decadent and hedonistic nightclub in which gays, lesbians and trans people dance cheek to cheek with the rich and powerful. They let loose to the electrifying music of the Weintraub Syncopators, intoxicated by the smells of perfume, rouge and manly sweat. But the Eldorado is also a space of contradictions, in which some openly gay visitors come dressed in Nazi uniforms.



分類: Movie。這篇內容的永久連結