飛車黨 The Wild One [1953]

Cop-hating Johnny Strabler is recounting the fateful events that led up to the “whole mess” as he calls it, his role in the mess and whether he could have stopped it from happening. The Black Rebels, a motorcycle gang of which Johnny is the leader, cause a ruckus using intimidation wherever they go, with their actions bordering on the unlawful. On the day of the mess, they invade a motorcycle racing event, at which they cause a general disturbance culminating with one of the gang members stealing a second place trophy to give to Johnny.

Despite not being the larger winning trophy, it symbolizes to Johnny his leadership within the group. Their next stop is a small town where their disturbance and intimidation tactics continue. Some in town don’t mind their arrival as long as they spend money. Harry Bleeker, the local sheriff, doesn’t much like them but is so ineffective and weak that he doesn’t do anything to stop them, much to the annoyance of some of the other townsfolk, who see the gang as being a criminal element not to be tolerated. Johnny is attracted to the innocent Kathie Bleeker, the waitress at the local café, who is initially intimidated by Johnny and the gang. His feelings change when he learns she is Sheriff Bleeker’s daughter. The actions of the gang escalates when the Beetles, a splinter group of the Black Rebels, arrive in town. As things start to get out of hand between the gangs, some of the townsfolk, such as Charlie Thomas who is in his own right a bully albeit one of the “establishment”, decide to take matters into their own hands. But Kathie may make Johnny change his beliefs, especially about what is happening this day in the town.

《飛車黨》是一部反映美國非法機車團伙的電影。飛車黨幫派年輕易怒的老大 強尼帶領著一群兄弟們滋擾著小鎮。某天,他被當地的警長之女 凱西深深吸引著愛上了她,卻不慎誤傷了敵手 查理,加之鎮民對他們先前漫無目的的到處惹事非常反感,鎮民們對強尼與他的兄弟們滿懷敵意與偏見,所有潛伏的情緒終於一齊爆發。究竟強尼是否逢逃過一劫呢?



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