驚異大奇航 Innerspace [1987]

Tuck Pendleton is a cocky pilot, who is taking part in a miniaturization experiment. When some bad guys break into the lab to steal the technology, one of the scientists takes a syringe which contains the miniaturized Tuck and vessel. Now in the vessel is part of the material needed to restore him. But the other part which is the lab is stolen. The scientist’s shot but before dying he injects Tuck into Jack Putter, a hypochondriac, who feels that something is wrong with him all the time. When Tuck links himself to Jack’s systems, he discovers that something happened. So they go back to the lab, and discover what happened. Now they are told that unless they retrieve the material that was stolen they won’t be able to restore Tuck before his oxygen is depleted. Now the government rep decides that the only thing that matters that as long as they have the other half of the material, it is useless to the thieves. So Tuck eggs Jack to go out and find the thieves. They enlist the aid of Tuck’s old girlfriend, Lydia, who is a reporter. And it’s fortunate for them that she has a lead that pans out.


塔克潘多頓中校(丹尼斯奎德 飾)是個空軍試飛員,他自願參加一項高度機密的實驗讓科學家將他和他所駕駛的特殊潛艇縮小後,注射到一隻兔子體內做科學研究觀察;然而就在他被縮小後,一隊壞蛋闖入實驗室想偷走該科技必備的晶片,在陰錯陽差之下,塔克被注射進一位神經質的超市員工傑克波特(馬丁蕭特 飾,《脫線教父》)的體內,於是可憐的傑克便成了那群匪徒追逐的新目標;兩個原本八竿子打不著的人因此不得不攜手合作,要趕在塔克艙內的氧氣用完之前,拿回被壞蛋搶走的晶片之一,才能讓塔克恢復成員來的大小;他們兩人加上仍對塔克舊情難忘的前女友莉迪亞(梅格萊恩 飾,《來電傳情》),便開始一段充滿驚奇的冒險。



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