戰爭與和平 War and Peace [1956]

By 1812, Napoleon’s (Herbert Lom’s) forces controlled much of Europe. Russia, one of the few countries still unconquered, prepares to face Napoleon’s troops together with Austria. Amongst the Russian soldiers, are Count Nikolai Rostov (Jeremy Brett) and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky (Mel Ferrer). Count Pierre Bezukhov (Henry Fonda), a friend of Andrei’s, and self-styled intellectual, who is not interested in fighting. Pierre’s life changes when his father dies, leaving him a vast inheritance. He is attracted to Natasha Rostov (Audrey Hepburn), Nikolai’s sister, but she is too young, so he gives in to baser desires and marries the shallow, manipulative Princess Helene (Anita Ekberg). The marriage ends when Pierre discovers his wife’s true nature. Andrei is captured and later released by the French, and returns home only to watch his wife die in childbirth. A few months later, Pierre and Andrei meet again. Andrei sees Natasha and falls in love, but his father will only permit the marriage if they postpone it for one year until Natasha turns seventeen. While Andrei is away on a military mission, Natasha is drawn to Anatole Kuragin (Vittorio Gassman), a womanizer. Pierre saves Natasha by telling her of Anatole’s past before she can elope with him. Napoleon invades Russia. Pierre visits Andrei on the eve of the battle, and observes the battle that follows. Traumatized by the carnage, he vows to kill Napoleon.


18世紀初,拿破崙帶領法國軍隊橫掃歐洲,覬覦俄羅斯,俄法戰爭一觸即發。 而俄羅斯社會處在暴風雨來臨前的寧靜中,一派安靜祥和。 天真爛漫、出身名門的俄羅斯少女娜塔莎邂逅好友皮埃爾的朋友安德烈,兩人之間漸生情愫,訂下婚約。 但安德烈返回部隊後,涉世未深的娜塔莎被紈絝子弟阿納托里矇騙,與之私奔。 就在此時,俄法戰爭爆發,一團亂麻的情愛糾葛在風雲激蕩的大時代面前剎那間變得微不足道。

戰爭曠日持久,艱苦異常,每個人都在時代的漩渦中改變人生,重塑自我。 皮埃爾在戰前一直深陷家族紛爭和愛情難題中不能自拔,戰爭使他堅韌剛強;娜塔莎在艱苦的後方生活中逐漸成熟,從一個不諳世事的青澀少女成長為穩重能幹的婦人。 在戰爭中重傷的安德烈在彌留之際與娜塔莎達成諒解,一笑泯恩仇;而戰爭過後,面對滿目瘡痍的家園故國,娜塔莎和青梅竹馬的皮埃爾攜起手來,決心重建家園,展開全新的生活。




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