驚濤毀滅者 – 大洪水 Hard Rain

In the small town of Huntingburg, the armored truck with three million dollars driven by Tom and his Uncle Charlie gets stuck in the flooding. They realize that the town has been evacuated since the dam does not have capacity to hold the storm. While waiting for the National Guard, they are attacked by Jim and his gang formed by Kenny, Mr. Mehlor and Ray and the clumsy Kenny kills Charlie. Tom flees with the bags of money and hides them in the cemetery. Then he is hunted down by Jim and his gang and he hides in a church. Out of the blue, he is knocked out and awakes locked in a cell. Soon he learns that the restorer Karen believed he was a looter and hit him. Sheriff Mike Collins and Deputy Wayne Bryce go to investigate Tom’ story while Officer Phil takes Karen out of the town by boat. However she escapes with the boat and goes to the church. Meanwhile Tom is trapped in the cell full of water and Karen rescues him. He decides to return to the armored truck to retrieve a shotgun but he is captured by Jim and his men and learns that Charlie was part of the gang. He tries to retrieve the hidden money for the gang, but Sheriff Collins and his men have already taken it. Soon Tom learns that the Sheriff wants to keep the money for him and his men and Tom and Karen are witnesses and he teams up with Jim.


湯姆(克利斯汀史萊特 飾,《斷箭》)與叔叔理察(愛德華艾斯諾 飾)共同經營著運鈔車事業,一日,他們載著三百萬美金的現鈔前往杭汀堡小鎮,沒想到,一場連續大雨造成洪水氾濫,鎮民全部緊急撤退,全鎮空無一人。叔姪倆被困在大洪水中,求救無門之時,一群由吉姆(三次奧斯卡提名者摩根費里曼 飾,《桃色追捕令》)所率領的歹徒團團包圍住他們……吉姆是一個職業小偷,對於偷盜生涯已厭倦,決定利用此次洪水作為最後機會,大幹一票後退休,隱居到一個熱帶小島上。兩方對峙在大洪水當中,湯姆誓死保護小鎮的財產,靠著矯健的身手與過人的機智,他帶著三百萬現金徒步逃走,一場緊張的追殺就此上場!在節節高昇的洪水之中,人性的力量與大自然的力量展開對抗……編劇葛瑞漢約斯特某次看到電視新聞報導1993年密西西比洪水氾濫後,靈感一動,創作了此片的劇本。整片根據《黃金列車大劫案》同類電影的傳統拍攝,超越了一般災難電影的模式,由馬克高登(《捍衛戰警》、《斷箭》)製作,邁可所羅門執導,他曾以《浴火赤子情》獲奧斯卡最佳視效獎的提名;並以《無底洞》一片獲奧斯卡最佳攝影獎的提名。



分類: Movie。這篇內容的永久連結