特種部隊:眼鏡蛇的崛起 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Two soldiers stationed in Kazahkstan (Captain Duke Hauser and his partner “Ripcord”) are ordered to transport special warheads created by MARS, an arms’ manufacturer controlled by James McCullen. When they are attacked by thieves (led by Anastasia DeCobray, with whom Duke has history), they are saved by a top secret, international special forces unit known as “G.I. Joe”. The leader of G.I. Joe, General Abernathy (or Hawk) is on the trail of the thieves: an evil organization called “Cobra”. While Duke and Ripcord train to join the Joes, McCullen (“Destro”) is secretly working for Cobra and plotting to recapture his metal-eating “Nanomite” warheads. Duke and Ripcord (with help from Heavy Duty, Snake Eyes, and the rest of the Joes) must prove that they are Real American Heroes — by stopping the launch of these warheads before Cobra uses them to take over the world.



影片場景從中亞洲的山脈一直到埃及的大沙漠,然後再從熱鬧的巴黎街頭,一直到北極的冰帽,被稱為G.I. JOE的特種部隊為了對抗居心叵測的軍火商戴斯卓以及神秘的眼鏡蛇組織,使用最先進的情報科技以及軍事裝備,希望能夠及時阻止他們,避免世界陷入一片混亂…


孩之寶玩具公司於1964年推出G.I. JOE玩偶,1985年推出改編自漫畫的卡通影集G.I. JOE特種部隊,讓特種部隊玩偶系列擁有完整的故事背景。全新的玩偶、漫畫以及卡通影集讓G.I. JOE特種部隊在美國達到了前所未有的普及率。



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