Edinburgh university professor Sir Oliver Lindenbrook believes he has found an very old message from a long lost scientist who may have found the way to journey to the center of the Earth. With his assistant, student Alec McKuen, he sets off for Iceland where an entrance in a volcanic range is to be found. They are soon joined by Carla Goetabaug, whose scientist-husband was recently murdered, and Icelander Hans Belker as they descend into the bowels of the Earth. There they will find fantastic creatures, exotic plants, the lost city of Atlantis and a foe who wants to keep knowledge of this underworld to himself.
喜愛探險,對神秘寶藏充滿了憧憬的李登布羅克教授(詹姆斯·梅森 James Mason 飾)在無意之中發現了一張歷史悠久的羊皮紙,羊皮紙上記載了一位名叫阿爾納的男子曾經前往地心探險的路線圖。欣喜若狂的李登布羅克教授當即決定重走趟充滿了危險和未知的地心之旅。
盡管遭到了朋友 們的強烈反對,李登布羅克教授還是帶著侄子毅然決然地出發了。兩人的旅途始於蘇格蘭愛丁堡,之後,來自冰島的漢斯(Peter Ronson 飾)成為了他們可靠的向導。三人來到了斯奈菲爾火山口,從此進入地表之下,在長達三個月的旅程中經歷了種種光怪陸離的現象,遇見了無數千奇百怪的動植物,甚至邂逅了神秘的種族。