《流冰禁戀》熊切和嘉執導,傑尼斯人氣團體「Hey! Say! JUMP」成員中島裕翔、《餘命10年》奈緒主演,婚禮前夕,這個男人從幸福的絕頂狠狠跌落…每兩分鐘就會發生一次危機?!驚愕的大反轉嚴禁暴雷!
任職於房地產公司業績第一的川村俊介(中島裕翔 飾),與社長千金結婚前夕,在澀谷舉辦的派對喝得酩酊大醉,回家途中不慎跌落下水道。夜深人靜,在下水道地底醒來的川村身體無法隨意動彈,智慧型手機的GPS也出現異常,即使向警方求助也無法順利溝通。川村向唯一取得聯繫的前女友(奈緒 飾)求救,卻不知道自己究竟身在何處,於是他在SNS上建立了名為「人孔女孩」的假帳號,向網民發出求救訊號…。
Shunsuke Kawamura works for a real estate company. He is usually first at first when it comes to sales. He is respected by his boss and colleagues. Shunsuke is also set to marry the daughter of the CEO of his company. His life is going great by every metric one can think of. On the day before his wedding, his colleagues hold a surprise party for him. On his way home from the party, Shunsuke falls into a deep manhole. When he wakes up, it is late at night and he struggles to get out of the manhole. His wedding is also fast approaching.