The love story of young adults Oliver Barrett IV and Jenny Cavilleri is told. Oliver comes from an extremely well off and old money New England family, the Barrett name which holds much gravitas and which is plastered especially all over Harvard where Oliver is in pre-law. Like those before him, he plans on attending Harvard Law School, which is not an issue in either the school not accepting him or he not wanting to attend. He has an extremely stiff relationship with his parents, especially his father, Oliver Barrett III, who loves his son in the old school way. Jenny, a music student at Radcliffe, comes from a working class Rhode Island background, she working her way through the program before she plans on going to Paris to further her studies. Unlike Oliver’s relationship with his father, Jenny has a very casual one with her baker father, who she calls by his given name Phil. When Oliver and Jenny meet, there are immediate fireworks – she always with a quick quip to put him in his place – both of a good and bad kind, but they both quickly come to the realization that they are in love with each other. They have many obstacles to overcome in having a committed relationship, outwardly his father’s disapproval of someone like her not being Barrett material being arguably the the biggest. However, other things that happen in the natural course of life and death may trump all.
由埃裏克.席格編劇的本片講述一名富家子弟巴瑞(萊恩歐尼爾)不顧父親反對,和麵包師的女兒珍妮佛(Ali MacGraw)毅然結婚,並且自力更生完成學業。因苦相守的兩人經過許多磨擦與爭執後,深愛彼此的心讓兩人走過一切,即使巴瑞父親再三提出各種手段離間兩人,困苦的日子絲毫阻擋不了巴瑞的決心與毅力,終於巴瑞完成學業,並成為執業律師時,珍妮佛卻患絕症撒手人寰離他而去。
本片故事雖然老套,但亞瑟.希勒導演手法清新自然,角色的性格和對白都富時代氣息,娛樂性相當高,在當年上演時曾轟動一時,曾獲最佳原作配樂金像獎等11個獎項。萊恩歐尼爾等在片中有上佳表現,尤其是萊恩歐尼爾,將那名因追求真愛而變得固執的富家子弟塑造得非常生動,Ali MacGraw在片中清麗真摯的情感表現,也令觀眾留下深刻印象。