Five tales of terror are presented. The first deals with a demented old man returning from the grave to get the Father’s Day cake his murdering daughter never gave him. The second is about a not-too-bright farmer discovering a meteor that turns everything into plant-life. The third is about a vengeful husband burying his wife and her lover up to their necks on the beach. The fourth is about a creature that resides in a crate under the steps of a college. The final story is about an ultra-rich businessman who gets his comeuppance from cockroaches.
《鬼作秀》(英文:Creepshow)是一部1982年的美國恐怖喜劇選集電影,由喬治·安德魯·羅梅羅執導,史蒂芬·金編劇,這使得這部電影成為他的編劇處女作。這部電影的全體演員包括哈爾·霍爾布魯克、愛德安娜·巴博、弗里茨·韋弗、萊斯里·尼爾森、嘉莉·奈、E. G.馬歇爾和維韋卡·林德福什以及金本人(史蒂芬·金本人的首次表演實際上是在羅梅羅電影《飛車敢死隊》中的一年前)。這部電影主要在匹茲堡及其郊區拍攝,包括蒙羅維爾,羅梅羅在那裡租了一個某棟學院(賓州大學)來為電影製作大量佈景。
這部電影由五個短篇小說組成:《父親節》(Father’s Day)、《隕石》(The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill)(根據史蒂芬·金短篇小說《雜草》改編)、《沉住氣》(Something to Tide You Over)、《箱子》(The Crate)和《潔癖》(They’re Creeping Up on You!) 其中兩個故事改編自史蒂芬·金的短篇小說,電影以序幕和尾聲結尾,講述了一個名叫比利的小男孩(由史蒂芬·金的兒子喬飾演),他因閱讀恐怖漫畫而受到虐待的父親的懲罰。