五月的你,十二月的她 May December [2023]


二十年前,36歲的人妻葛蕾西(茱莉安摩爾 飾)因為與13歲的中學生喬(查爾斯梅爾頓 飾)劈腿,而成為全國人民的八卦焦點,兩人幾經波折後,最終仍順利走向婚姻。如今,好萊塢明星伊莉莎白(娜塔莉波曼 飾)為了在大銀幕上飾演格蕾西,而前來拜訪這對夫婦,結果意外造成這個家庭內部的分裂……。

Middle aged Gracie lives a happy, well settled life with her husband. Some years ago she was involved in an unsavory scandal but for her it is all in the past. Movie actress Elizabeth is on a visit to this home and she is on a mission. This visit is a part of her preparation to play the role of Gracie in a movie being made. As she goes about talking to the family members Gracie wonders whether Elizabeth will uncover some secrets from her past and will some skeletons be revealed.


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