極惡變身 Devils [2023]


從沒有動機、不留一點犯案痕跡的殺人魔手中,失去同事兼家人的刑警在煥(吳大煥 飾)被憎惡籠罩著。某天,與殺人魔振赫(張東潤 飾)展開追擊後,在病房裡醒來的在煥,竟因不明原因與振赫交換了身體,振赫把在煥的家人當作人質並威脅。為了用殺人魔的身體抓住真正的殺人魔,在煥再次冒著生命危險展開追擊……

Having lost his colleague who was also his brother-in-law to a serial murderer two years ago, homicide detective Jae-hwan is unable to contain his hatred toward the murderer and dives headfirst into hunting the brutal killer. Jae-hwan finally comes face to face with the murderer Jin-hyeok but in the heat of the chase, they get into an accident. Waking up in a hospital, Jae-hwan realizes his body has been switched with that of the murderer. To protect his family and uncover the secret of this body switch, Jae-hwan, who’s trapped in the murderer’s body, begins a desperate chase.


分類: Movie。這篇內容的永久連結