自負且對現狀不滿的美術教師薩梅特(丹尼茲希理羅盧 Deniz Celiloğlu 飾),在安那托利亞一處偏遠中學服務屆滿四年,卻向來和「春風化雨」一譽扯不上絲毫關係。滿心期待能調派伊斯坦堡城裡教書的他,卻未料來自女學生瑟雯(愛潔巴吉 Ece Bagci 飾)的「#MeToo」指控,瞬間將他拽入人生的谷底。
那年冬天,突來的大雪將萬物吞沒,薩梅特對生命的熱情也隨之枯熄,而與女教師努芮(梅薇迪茲達 Merve Dizdar 飾)的相遇,能否為他在這片荒蕪之中,重現蓬勃生機?
Samet, a young art teacher, is finishing his fourth year of compulsory service in a remote village in Anatolia. After a turn of events he can hardly make sense of, he loses his hopes of escaping the grim life he seems to be stuck in. Will his encounter with Nuray, herself a teacher, help him overcome his angst?