30日 Love Reset [2023]


正烈(姜河那 飾)知性與外貌兼具,但天生窩囊;娜拉(庭沼玟 飾)的才華讓她擁有令人稱羨的工作,但天生冒失。正烈和娜拉戲劇性地邂逅相遇,談了如電影般的戀愛,但結婚後卻受不了彼此的個性而選擇離婚。就在兩人獲得30天的離婚熟慮期後離開法院時,卻發生意外導致他們失去了記憶……

Despite heavy opposition from family, Jeong-yeol and Na-ra succeed in getting married through the sheer power of love. But fast forward two years, and the two are leaving a courthouse after receiving a 30-day divorce settlement period, when a car accident causes them to lose both their memories. The amnesia-stricken couple quickly fall for each other again, and their family members devise an elaborate 30-day plan to recall their memories and complete the divorce.


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