之前的我們 Past Lives [2023]


諾拉(葛麗塔李 飾)與海聖(劉台午 飾)是對從小在首爾一起長大的青梅竹馬,然而,兩人的緣分卻在諾拉一家人突然移民加拿大後戛然而止。然而,20年後,命運卻讓早已分道揚鑣的諾拉與海聖在紐約街頭再度相遇,在久別重逢的這一週裡,兩人將面對命運、愛情和人生的抉擇……。

In Korea, Na Young, a girl and Hae Sung, a boy are school mates and good friends. They often walk back home together after school. Na Young moves to Canada and then to New York with her parents. Hae Sung continues living in Korea, does his engineering course, goes through a short spell of military service and then takes up a job. Both keep in touch periodically through video chats where they talk of their past and general stuff. Meanwhile in New York, Na has changed her name to Nora, made a name as a playwright and is happily married to Arthur, an American. Hae is keen to meet Nora and visits her in New York where he spends some time with her and Arthur. What has the future in store for Nora and Hae in their relationship?


分類: Movie。這篇內容的永久連結