冰淇淋般的愛戀 Ice Cream Fever [2023]


靜謐的街上有一家奇特的「澀谷百萬 ICE CREAM」冰淇淋店,對來訪店裡的陌生少女產生情愫的冰淇淋店員、拿過芥川獎後自此銷聲匿跡的小說家、表面樂天卻又藏著不可以讓姪女知道的祕密的女職員,在那如發燒般的炙熱夏天,女孩們在那難解的世界一隅找到了屬於自己的幸福。

“Ice Cream Fever” tells a story of four women, whose ages range from their teens to thirties, and their lives intersect by an ice cream shop. Natsumi Tsuneta (Riho Yoshioka) is in her late 20’s and has given up on her dream. She works part time at an ice cream shop. Saho Hashimoto (Serena Motola) is in her early 20’s. She is too timid to take a step forward in her life. She is a writer and a regular customer at the ice cream shop.Takako Kuwashima (Utaha) is in her late teens and she doesn’t even know what love is yet. She works part time at the ice cream shop with Natsumi Tsuneta . Yuu Takashima (Marika Matsumoto) is in her late 30’s. She carries pain in her mind and she feels worthy of life when she works. Yuu Takashima goes to a public bathhouse, located near the near ice cream shop.


分類: Movie。這篇內容的永久連結