改編自布拉姆斯托克 1897 年的經典小說《德古拉》的其中一篇章節《船長日誌》。故事發生在俄羅斯縱帆船德米特號上,該縱帆船被租用從喀爾巴阡運送二十四個無標記的木箱到倫敦。這部電影描述那些不得善終的船員在航行途中所遭遇的鬼魅般的形體與詭異事件。當它最終到達惠特比港附近時,像似已被遺棄而船員也不知所蹤。
Based on a single chapter, the Captain’s Log, from Bram Stoker’s classic 1897 novel “Dracula”, the story is set aboard the Russian schooner Demeter, which was chartered to carry private cargo – 24 unmarked wooden crates – from Carpathia to London. The film will detail the strange events that befell the doomed crew as they attempt to survive the ocean voyage, stalked each night by a terrifying presence on board the ship. When it finally arrived near Whitby Harbour, it was derelict. There was no trace of the crew.