化學工廠開始進到平和的海岸村後,讓海女們失去了工作。為了謀生而尋找各種方法的春子(金憓秀 飾),在發現了只要打撈丟進海底的走私品,就能獲得鉅額報酬的走私世界後,便向海女領袖真淑(廉晶雅 飾)提出誘人的計畫。即使知道是危險的工作,但海女真淑為了生計仍果斷做出決定,並在她遇見「全國走私王」權上士(趙寅成 飾)後,正式身陷格局更大的走私計畫。然而某日,一生只有一次的致富機會到來,他們開始欺騙彼此,捲入深不可測的走私世界……唯有知道水路的人才有「錢」途!
1970s, at Guncheon (a small village near sea), there were Haenyeos (women divers who are able to dive without equipment), including two best friends Chun-ja and Jin-sook, Jin-sook’s brother and Jangdori. They always collected seafood under water for living. But, as few factories started to be built near beach, Haenyeos started to have trouble with what they were doing for living. Without any choice, the ship crews decided to join smuggling business in water to seek a way for their living. But smuggling business in their village got too big for Jin-sook’s family to handle and the peaceful village was gradually broken.