水泥烏托邦:末日浩劫 Concrete Utopia [2023]


為大地震而一夜化為廢墟的首爾,一切都崩塌了,就只有一處「皇宮公寓」仍屹立不搖,聽到傳聞的外部倖存者們紛紛湧入皇宮公寓。為了生存而成為一體的他們,以新住民代表英卓(李炳憲 飾)為中心,徹底阻止外部人士的進出,為了公寓住戶訂定了新的規則。幸虧如此,和外面如地獄般的世界不同,對住戶們而言沒有比皇宮公寓更安全平和的烏托邦了。然而在無盡的生存危機中,他們之間也開始出現了出乎意料的糾葛……倖存者們的生存規則——究竟該遵守還是離開呢?

While no one knows for sure how far the ruins stretch, or what the cause of the earthquake may be, in the heart of Seoul there is only one apartment building left standing. It is called Hwang Gung Apartments. As time passes, outsiders start coming in to Hwang Gung Apartments trying to escape the extreme cold. Before long, the apartment residents are unable to cope with the increasing numbers. Feeling a threat to their very survival, the residents enact a special measure.



分類: Movie。這篇內容的永久連結