班是一位名不見經傳的影像創作者,平日不是去日漸蕭條的藝術影院工作,就是上網肖想金髮女郎、看經典老電影,以及和女同志好友愛莉絲鬼混。當同居女友米可搬到紐約實習時,只剩一人的班,開始探索自己究竟想要什麼…。本片改編自Adrian Tomine廣受喜愛的同名小說,以新穎且具開創性的故事手法表現亞裔美國人的身分認同和情感關係問題,並由身兼演員和攝影師等多重身分的亞裔演員賈斯汀·洪基·閔擔綱要角,以靈活幽默的演技,精彩演繹被邊緣化的個人/群體失落和人性的複雜。
Ben, a struggling filmmaker, lives in Berkeley, California, with his girlfriend, Miko, who works for a local Asian American film festival. When he’s not managing an arthouse movie theater as his day job, Ben spends his time obsessing over unavailable blonde women, watching Criterion Collection DVDs, and eating in diners with his best friend Alice, a queer grad student with a serial dating habit. When Miko moves to New York for an internship, Ben is left to his own devices, and begins to explore what he thinks he might want.