Nestled deep in the heart of Seoul’s thriving downtown sits a curious hotel, the like of which no one has ever seen before. Old beyond measure, the building has stood for millennia, an ever-present testament to the fact that things are not always what they seem. Running this hotel is Jang Man Wol, a greedy, suspicious soul who has spent the past thousand years acting as the establishment’s CEO. Cursed for a sin she can no longer remember committing, Man Wol is doomed to spend all of the eternity running this odd establishment, catering to the needs of a most peculiar clientele. Her only hope of escape is to find someone who has committed a worse sin than her own but after a thousand years, she’s beginning to lose hope. However, things take an interesting turn when Goo Chan Seong shows up. Once the youngest assistant manager ever to work at a multinational hotel corporation, Chan Seong finds himself forced to manage the Hotel del Luna because of a deal his father made with Man Wol years ago. A stickler for rules and regulations, he’s a perfectionist to the extreme but that may be exactly what this odd establishment and its cursed CEO needs.
2019年,首爾市內變化最大的市中心正中間,位置於黃金寶地 — 明洞的古老破舊建築物,乍一看就像準備重建的空建築物,仔細地看的話,其實是經營中的「酒店」。早上的話,在那前面有數百萬的流動人口經過,卻幾乎沒有客人進入那酒店裡面。而在開始入夜、路上變得冷清、市中心也入睡之時,招牌便亮著燈光,酒店樓層亦會升高的…德魯納酒店。靈賓專用的德魯納酒店裡,個性認真卻軟弱超精英酒店管理人具燦星擔任著總經理,和乖戾、脾氣暴躁的社長張滿月一起,為特別的靈魂客人們提供特級服務時發生的故事……
16集 61G