Loosely based on serial killer Henry Lee Lucas, the film follows Henry and his roommate Otis who Henry introduces to murdering randomly selected people. The killing spree depicted in the film starts after Otis’ sister Becky comes to stay with them. The people they kill are strangers and in one particularly gruesome attack, kill all three members of a family during a home invasion. Henry lacks compassion in everything he does and isn’t the kind to leave behind witnesses – of any kind.
本片改編自美國著名連續殺人魔-亨瑞李魯卡斯(Henry Lee Lucas)的真實故事,講述他與同黨兼情人的歐帝斯(Otis),令人髮指的殘酷虐殺罪行,是部低成本製作的獨立電影,有不少血腥畫面,男星麥克魯克扮演亨瑞李魯卡斯,獲西雅圖電影節最佳男演員,本片也在獨立精神獎獲得六項提名(最佳男主角、最佳導演、最佳影片、最佳劇本與最佳男女配角)。