A zombie is found aboard a boat off the New York coast which belongs to a famous scientist. Peter West, a journalist, travels to the Antilles with Ann, the daughter of the scientist. On the way, they meet with Brian, an ethnologist, and Susan. When they arrive at Matul Island, they find Dr. Menard, and discover a terrifying disease which is turning the islanders into horrifying zombies which devour human flesh and seem indestructible..
安妮•布外茲(Tisa Farrow 飾)的父親駕船前往某小島,但此後三個月音訊全無。某日,父親的小船漂回紐約,船上空無一人。當警衛員檢查船艙時,卻遭到一個喪屍的襲擊。記者彼得•懷斯特(Ian McCulloch 飾)對此事頗為好奇,他和安妮相約前往那座神秘小島。
當他們到達目的地時,卻驚奇地發現,當地伏都教的詛咒令人們染上一種怪病,且可使死人復活。但復活後的人只是嗜血如命的恐怖喪屍。他們在島上遇見了莫納德醫生(Richard Johnson 飾),為了活命,三個人必須通力合作,找到治療這種怪病的方法