每月彙整: 2022 年 1 月
墓邊凶宅 The House by the Cemetery
In New York, Dr. Norman Boyle assumes th … 閱讀全文
分類: Movie
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巡弋飛彈 Never Say Never Again
S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Agents under the command … 閱讀全文
分類: Movie
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尼羅河寶石 The Jewel of the Nile
This is the sequel to “Romancing t … 閱讀全文
分類: Movie
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橫掃千軍 The Golden Child
Eddie Murphy plays a detective with a sp … 閱讀全文
分類: Movie
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熱血高手 Above the Law
Nico learned martial arts in Japan, and … 閱讀全文
分類: Movie
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