Three horror-thriller tales revolve around a mysterious stray cat which is attempting to find a little girl in trouble. In “Quitters, Inc.”: the cat is picked up by a shady New York City “doctor” who uses experimental techniques to get people to quit smoking. His latest client is a man named Morrison, who learns he’ll suffer some terrible consequences if he tries to cheat. In “The Ledge”: the cat is picked up by Cressner, a shady Atlantic City millionaire who forces tennis pro Norris (his wife’s lover), to walk a narrow ledge around his high-rise penthouse apartment. In “The General”: the cat arrives in Wilmington, North Carolina, where it is found by Amanda, the young girl it has been sent to protect. What she needs protection from is a tiny, evil troll who lives behind the skirting board in her bedroom.
《貓眼》是1985年上映的美國驚悚、喜劇、恐怖電影,由劉易斯·提革執導,德魯·巴里摩爾及詹姆斯·伍茲等主演。 《貓眼》講述了一隻神秘莫測的貓而帶出的三個不同的故事。一個網球教練因為搭上了暴徒的妻子而被強迫玩死亡遊戲、一間真正令你撇退煙癮的吸煙誡毒所、與一個被小魔怪纏繞的小女孩。