Two brothers, Phil and Ted Stoneman, visit their friends in Piedmont, South Carolina: the family Cameron. This friendship is affected by the Civil War, as the Stonemans and the Camerons must join up opposite armies. The consequences of the War in their lives are shown in connection to major historical events, like the development of the Civil War itself, Lincoln’s assassination, and the birth of the Ku Klux Klan.
史東曼兄弟菲爾與泰德到南卡羅萊納拜訪卡麥隆一家,他們的友誼卻受到南北戰爭的波及,必須分別加入軍隊成為敵對陣營。這場戰爭影響的不只是他們的生活,更與接下來發生的歷史事件息息相關:南北戰爭本身的發展、林肯刺殺事件,以及三K黨﹙Ku Klux Klan﹚的誕生。