殺戮戰警 Shaft

New York Police Detective John Shaft is the lead detective on a sensitive case, a young black man is severely beaten. The man’s companions tell Shaft that their friend humiliated the one who was spouting racial slurs at him. Shaft confronts him and he says he’s Walter Wade Jr. , the son of a wealthy man. Shaft finds that he has the ID of a woman who’s a waitress at the bar where Wade and the guy who was attacked were. When Wade continues to hurl racist comments, Shaft smacks him. Shaft later learns because of his actions Wade was granted bail and fled. Two years later, Wade returns and Shaft arrests him. At his hearing when the judge grants him bail, that’s when Shaft throws his badge at the judge. He then sets out to get Wade by finding the waitress. Wade in the meantime asks a drug dealer named Peoples Hernandez to find the waitress and make sure she doesn’t talk.


但由於華特之父有錢有勢,支付保釋金後,華特再度獲得自由,並誓言不殺黑豹誓不休。而想取黑豹性命者,可不只這人,與罪犯同流合污的警察同僚,曾遭受豹羞辱的多明尼加籍毒梟。 黑豹除要躲避追殺,還要找出並保護現已不知去向的謀殺案目擊證人,將華特繩之於法,伸張司法體系中已名存實亡的正義。

該片的卡司陣容堅強,有由因演出昆丁泰倫提諾《黑色追緝令》中的哲學殺手而大於異彩的黑人影星山繆傑克遜, 有多才多藝的演兼歌手凡妮莎威廉斯 ,以及因演出《Basquiat》中的年輕藝家Jean Michel Basquiat而深獲好評的傑佛瑞萊特……等演員共同參與,該片導演約翰格頓,是奧斯卡歷年來最年輕的導演提名人選,未來潛力仍持續被看好。



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