There is not one universe, but there are many, which is a multiverse. Supposing you are just one person, there are many other versions of you in the other universes, there are ways to travel, but only a police agency, MVA, can travel only for police procedures. Gabriel Yulaw is a former MVA agent, who killed another version of himself in self-defense. It made the other versions of him stronger. When Yulaw found out about this, he became power-hungry killing the 122 other versions for two years. After killing Lawless and getting captured by his former partner Roedecker and a new MVA agent Funsch, Yulaw managed to escape the prison and is trying to kill his last target, Gabe Law who is a police officer. He is also at Yulaw’s strength. Roedecker and Funsch now have to arrest Yulaw before he can kill Gabe. There is a possibility that the universe could die or make Yulaw invincible. After encountering Yulaw for the first time, Gabe thought that it was his split personality, but it wasn’t. Will Gabe be able to confront Yulaw before or after Yulaw ruins his life?
未來除了我們生活的世界之外,同時還有許多平行的小宇宙。而在每個平行的小宇宙中,又都存在著每一個人的 “分身”。每當一個分身死亡,其體內的能量就會平均分散到其餘的分身上。如果所有平行小宇宙中的分身都死亡,所僅剩的最後一個人,他體內的能量就可以讓他呼風喚雨、統治整個宇宙。