空中殺陣 Sky Fighters

While in an international fair of exhibition of airplanes, a French Mirage 2000 of the last generation vanishes and pilots Antoine “Walk’n” Marchelli and Sebastian “Fahrenheit” Vallois are assigned to locate the plane that is flying in a hiding position below a commercial airplane. The pilots order the Mirage to return to the base, but the Mirage attacks Fahrenheit instead, and Walk’n immediately shots the Mirage saving his partner. However, the evidences are forged by the leader of a force called “Special Missions” and Walk’n is falsely accused of not following the orders and discharged from the air force. Blacklisted in the commercial flight companies, Walk’n and Fahrenheit are pressed to join the Special Missions team, where they disclose betrayals in a net of espionage.

一架幻象 2000 正要展開一場精采絕倫的空中表演 …

而 後,少尉安東及賽巴斯汀隨即被派往北海搜尋消失在雷達螢幕上的戰機;經驗老到的他們很快便找到了幻象 2000 ,出乎意料的,幻象居然自動開啟戰鬥功能,就在此時,他們收到了上級下令:立即放棄追捕不得違背!然而,幻象 2000 已對他們開炮攻擊,安東必須在違抗上級命令或拯救同袍的性命中做出抉擇;謎樣的幻象 2000 是針對法國空軍的攻擊行動嗎?還是有不可臆測的原因?






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