鬼訊號 White Noise

The car of successful author Anna Rivers is found disabled next to the river, the thought being that she accidentally fell into the river while trying to change a flat tire. Her dead body is found upstream several weeks later, consistent with the accidental death theory. Based on incidents around him, her grieving husband, architect Jonathan Rivers, decides several months later to visit with Raymond Price, who approached John prior to Anna’s body being found with news that she was trying to contact him from beyond. At that time, John was skeptical of Raymond’s claims of electronic voice phenomena (EVP): that he is contacted from the beyond through electronic means – radio, television – which he is able to record. Along with Sarah Tate, another of Raymond’s “clients” whose fiancé passed away, John becomes obsessed with EVP as he gets more and more audio and video messages, however fuzzy, from Anna from beyond. That obsession takes a slight change in focus when John believes that Anna is trying to pass along information to help others. But the nature of those messages and their connection to Raymond in combination with John learning that not all good comes through EVP leads to the possible belief that he dabbling in EVP in and of itself may be dangerous and the cause of those potentially deadly issues in which he is supposed to assist in helping. John has to decide whether or not to continue with his work in EVP, not continuing which means that he may actually prevent bad things from happening, and continuing which means that he gets his much wanted connection with Anna.


而神秘男子給強納森聽的的聲音竟是安娜遇害以後才錄到的,原來男子專門研究EVP(Electronic Voice Phenomenon)「超自然電子異象」,他們能利用現代電子儀器追蹤並記錄到往生者死後的聲音或影像,換句話說,鬼魂是可以透過電視雜訊並使用聲音及影像,傳送訊息給我們。強烈思念安娜的強納森為了和妻子溝通,開始沉迷鑽研EVP現象,他嘗試各種方法要和亡妻聯絡。而死去的妻子也開始捎來另一個世界的影像及訊息,要他逃離危險…


往年以超自然現象為題材的電影實在不勝枚舉,近年的以太陽黑子變化做題材的黑洞頻率一片更是令人記憶猶新,然而,本片不僅是黑洞頻率的靈異版,片中所謂的「EVP」,在全球已經有十一個國家以上,超過四十個組織正在研究,又以美國超自然電子異象協會The American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomenon (AA-EVP)是眾多研究靈異現象的重要組織之一。以科學觀點劃破人們半信半疑的界線,對於靈異類型電影勢必將掀起一陣波濤洶湧。



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